Six scientists share the innovations that could transform the future

We asked scientists at the 2023 Grand Challenges Annual Meeting to share the scientific innovation that could transform their community over the next 20 years. Here’s what they said.

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Parents at a kindergarten school learn how to access information about contraception on their smartphones using an app, Skata, during a session on family planning in Makassar, Indonesia.

Better contraceptives are coming

Modern contraceptives are highly effective at preventing pregnancy. These new technologies put women’s needs first.
By Kirsten Vogelsong Senior Program Officer, Gates Foundation
Dr. Leekha trains a nurse, Beth, to perform an ultrasound scan with a handheld device and tablet at the Shangia Dispensary in Mariakani, Kenya.

Announcing $5 million in Grand Challenges AI grants to spur local innovation for global good

Nearly 50 projects are receiving up to $100,000 to pursue the use of AI to solve problems in global health and development.
By Zameer Brey Deputy Director, Technology Diffusion, Gates Foundation
Aboubacar Diop (center right) speaks to parents about the importance of HPV vaccinations at a clinic in Saint Louis, Senegal.

This cervical cancer vaccine can prevent cancer. But more adolescent girls need access to it.

The cervical cancer vaccine is a life-saving tool, but access to it remains limited for many adolescent girls. Learn more about the importance of increasing accessibility to this vital vaccine.
By Cathy Ndiaye Director of HPV Vaccine Programs, PATH