Family Planning

Our goal
To empower women and girls to take charge of their own reproductive health, enable them to make informed decisions about family planning, and ensure their access to contraceptive options that meet their needs.
An Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) worker counsels a couple during a home visit in Uttar Pradesh, India.
An Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) worker counsels a couple during a home visit in Uttar Pradesh, India. ©Gates Foundation/Prashant Panjiar

At a glance

  • More than 200 million women and girls in low- and middle-income countries who want to avoid pregnancy aren’t using a modern method of contraception.
  • In many cases, current methods don’t meet their needs. Nearly 40% of women who begin using contraceptives stop within the first year because they’re dissatisfied with the method.
  • Development of new contraceptive technologies is chronically underfunded, and investments have remained stagnant for years.
  • Enabling girls and women to avoid unwanted pregnancy can unlock progress on a wide range of issues, from gender equality and maternal health to girls’ education. It’s also a smart investment: Fully meeting the need for contraception and maternal and newborn health care would cost US$600 million less than only meeting the need for maternal and newborn health care.
  • The foundation has committed US$280 million per year from 2021 to 2030 to develop and improve contraceptive technologies, support family planning programs that reflect the preferences of local communities, and ensure women and girls are in control of their own reproductive health.

The latest updates on family planning

Dr Susan Ontiri, Country Director of the International Center for Reproductive Health Kenya, poses for a portrait in Mtwapa, Kenya, on August 29, 2024.

Listening to women: Transforming family planning through contraceptive choice

Family planning researchers are taking a different approach to measuring women’s needs for contraceptive access and getting more accurate data in the process.
Parents at a kindergarten school learn how to access information about contraception on their smartphones using an app, Skata, during a session on family planning in Makassar, Indonesia.

Better contraceptives are coming

Modern contraceptives are highly effective at preventing pregnancy. These new technologies put women’s needs first.
By Kirsten Vogelsong Senior Program Officer, Gates Foundation
Fatimata Sy

Fatimata Sy on partnering to expand access to contraceptives

For every young person around the world, adolescence is a formative period in their life that is powerfully shaped by their health, education and social surroundings in which they grow up.
By Ruchika Tulshyan Founder and CEO, Candour LLC
Our strategy

Our strategy

The foundation’s Family Planning team works to ensure that women and girls can access the contraceptives and family planning services they want and thus exercise their right to decide whether to have children and, if so, when and how many.

Today’s contraceptive methods don’t meet the needs of all women and girls. We’re expanding our investments in research and development to create new and better options that are informed by a deep understanding of what women and girls want—and what prevents them from using contraception. We’re also investing in new and innovative approaches to bring women and girls the information, services, and products that enable them to manage their own reproductive health. Ensuring that women and girls have the power to decide whether and/or when they want a family is also critical to building more gender-equal communities.

We work closely with local partners in our priority countries to ensure that efforts to increase access to family planning services are informed by better data, are tailored to communities, and are integrated into primary health care systems.

Finally, we are committed to expanding the pool of donors in this area to generate more sustainable family planning funding.

"Contraceptives are one of the most powerful tools we have. It puts the power in the hands of young girls and women to plan their families, and quite honestly to plan their futures."
Melinda French Gates
Graduates of a midwifery school attend a contraception seminar in Makassar, Indonesia.
Graduates of a midwifery school attend a contraception seminar in Makassar, Indonesia.
Areas of focus

Areas of focus

Among women who want to delay or avoid pregnancy, concerns about side effects are the most common reason they give for not using modern contraception.

We’re exploring and testing innovative ways to improve the quality and impact of family planning services, including through local drug shops and direct-to-consumer channels, so more women and girls can access methods that work for them, closer to home.

We work directly with countries—including India, Nigeria, and Ethiopia—where our resources can have the greatest impact and where our foundation has a local presence.

We work to build local capacity to collect, analyze, and use family planning data efficiently.

Our family planning advocacy work focuses on generating sustainable financing to support country ownership of family planning programs, build political leadership, and position family planning firmly within broader health and development agendas.

Why focus on family planning?

Why focus on family planning?

The case for closing the gap in modern contraception use is clear: When women and girls have access to contraceptives and care that enable them to make informed reproductive decisions, they are more empowered to live their lives as they—not others—choose. More girls can go to school, more women can work outside the home, and more newborns can thrive and have a chance at a productive future. All of these are milestones on the path to a more gender-equal world.

Enabling women and girls to be agents of their own health is crucial to overcoming harmful gender norms. To do this, we need to trust women and girls to make the decisions that are right for them and offer them services and products that align with their preferences—ones that are affordable, convenient, and respectful. This also requires reimagining contraceptive options, improving how family planning services are delivered, and improving outdated health systems.

Achieving a more prosperous and equal world starts with ensuring that women and girls can lead the lives they aspire to and can plan for the families they want. We must see women’s sexual and reproductive health as not just a personal issue but also a political one that is central to women’s power, gender equality, and broader development goals.

A nurse speaks with Ann Starrs, the foundation's director of Family Planning and foundation staff at a primary health center in Lagos, Nigeria.
A nurse speaks with foundation staff at a primary health center in Lagos, Nigeria.


The COVID-19 pandemic has strained health systems around the world and disrupted access to essential services, including family planning. An estimated 12 million women in low- and middle-income countries lost access to family planning services during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in nearly 1.4 million unintended pregnancies. While this number is significant, it is much lower than the figure projected at the beginning of the pandemic, when it was estimated that 47 million women could lose access to family planning services.

The impact of COVID-19 on funding, however, has been clearly negative. A portion of much-needed family planning resources and attention has been shifted to emergency COVID-19 response measures, and the economic impact of the pandemic is likely to linger for years to come.

These shifts demonstrate the need for an expanded pool of donors and more sustainable funding for family planning. They also highlight the need for family planning to be considered a vital component of strong primary health care systems—essential to improving maternal and child health and critical to achieving the goal of health care for all.

We’re heartened to see that many places have adapted to these challenging times by expanding telemedicine and updating guidelines so contraceptives are readily available and women can continue to safely access family planning care. It’s because of these swift decisions that the pandemic hasn’t had a more devastating effect.

In response, we’re drawing on these lessons to inform innovative ways to make family planning products and information available to women and girls everywhere. But to do this, we must preserve family planning funding to protect decades of progress and build back in a more equitable and sustainable way.

Strategy leadership

Strategy leadership

Gates Foundation placeholder image for leadership.
Aparajita Ramakrishnan
Director, Family Planning
Aparajita Ramakrishnan leads the foundation’s Family Planning team, which works to ensure that women and girls around the world can access the contraceptives and family planning services they want.
Mark Barone
Mark Barone
Senior Advisor, Women’s Health Innovations
Dr. Mark Barone supports the foundation’s work to discover, develop, and introduce new contraceptive methods as well as expand the availability of existing contraceptives in low- and middle-income countries.
Sanjana Bhardwaj
Dr. Sanjana Bhardwaj
Deputy Director, Program Advocacy and Communications
Dr. Sanjana Bhardwaj leads policy and advocacy work related to family planning; maternal, newborn, and child health; nutrition; and primary health care systems.