Discovery & Translational Sciences

Our goal
To catalyze innovation for the discovery and translation of transformational solutions to global health inequity.
Dr. Sène Marie-Angélique, Head of the Microbiology and Analytical Development Lab, looks through a microscope, at the Institut Pasteur in Dakar, Senegal, on June 16, 2022.
Dr. Sène Marie-Angélique, Head of the Microbiology and Analytical Development Lab, looks through a microscope, at the Institut Pasteur in Dakar, Senegal. ©Gates Archive/Carmen Yasmine Abd Ali

At a glance

  • We accelerate progress toward the foundation’s bold global health goals by exploiting a comparative advantage of the foundation and our team in particular: the ability to invest in initiatives with a high risk of failure but also the potential to create truly disruptive change.
  • We fund the discovery and translation of potentially transformative products, including vaccines, biologics, drugs, and microbiome interventions; the development of cross-cutting technology platforms that support product discovery and translation; the de-risking of novel technologies (for both products and supporting platforms); and research to fill key gaps in biological understanding.

The latest updates on discovery & translational sciences

Kedest Tesfagiorgis Deputy Director, Global Partnerships & Grand Challenges, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation delivers opening remarks at Grand Challenges Annual Meeting 2019 at the United Nations Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on October 28, 2019.

How to solve tough global health problems? Build community.

The leader of Grand Challenges shares how the initiative funds 4,000 research teams to advance some of the coolest science happening today.
By Kedest Tesfagiorgis Deputy Director, Global Partnerships and Grand Challenges, Gates Foundation
A young girl studies under a mosquito net in West Bengal, India.

Monoclonal antibodies were effective in treating COVID-19. They can do more.

Monoclonal antibodies offer promise well beyond treating COVID-19 as a potential game changer in fighting malaria, HIV, and other infectious diseases.
By Jacqueline Kirchner Senior Program Officer, Gates Foundation
Our strategy

Our strategy

Our mission is to catalyze innovation for the discovery and translation of transformative solutions to global health inequity. We pursue this by accelerating the discovery and translation of products that will help achieve the foundation’s global health impact goals.

In addition to funding a pipeline of products, we provide complementary funding to develop cross-cutting technology platforms that support product discovery and translation; de-risk novel technologies (for both products and supporting platforms); and fill key gaps in biological understanding (focusing on critical gaps not filled by blue-sky science funded by others). This work requires broad and deep technical expertise, constant surveying of the rapidly changing scientific and technological innovation landscape, and providing access to and transfer of cutting-edge technology platforms to effective partners across the discovery-translation-development ecosystem in high-, middle-, and low-income countries alike.

Our work is organized into the following domains:

  • Two tool-focused domains (Drugs; Vaccines & Biologics) and one topic-focused domain (Reproductive Health Technologies) that focus on our core pipeline of interventional product candidates.
  • Three functional domains that support and accelerate the above work: Translational Sciences, which works to accelerate translation of products and technologies to maximize their potential impact; the Global Health Discovery Collaboratory, which provides foundation grantees with access to best-in-class technologies and platforms and fosters a collaborative network of centers of excellence, technology platforms, and grantees; and Global Partnerships & Grand Challenges, which focuses on global health innovation sourcing and ecosystem support, particularly for priority low- and middle-income countries.

We source, sustain, and accelerate innovations and innovative partners in diverse ways, ranging from request for proposal platforms (the Grand Challenges family of initiatives) to directly targeted investments in technologies, investigators, and platforms across academia, research institutes, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, and product development partners. We also work closely with the Gates Medical Research Institute.

We place a high value on the continued expansion of a robust, open-science, open-data ecosystem to facilitate much more rapid, data-based decision-making in global health.

Our partners

We work closely with academics around the globe, who are a source of much cutting-edge innovation. This often involves recruiting superb scientists from other fields to bring fresh approaches and novel technologies to global health problems. We also work closely with the biotechnology sector, engage closely with pharmaceutical companies on both discovery and clinical applications, engage with diverse product development partners, and partner with the Gates Medical Research Institute. Where possible, we seek areas of alignment and collaboration with other major global health research and development funders.

Our Global Partnerships & Grand Challenges domain works with the global community of Grand Challenges partner organizations.

Partnership spotlight: Tuberculosis Drug Accelerator

The Tuberculosis Drug Accelerator was established in 2012 to facilitate collaboration in tuberculosis drug discovery by breaking down barriers between competing labs and institutions. The goal is to generate a new treatment for tuberculosis that works in two months or less and addresses resistance to existing drugs.

Learn more

Strategy leadership

Strategy leadership

Chris Karp
Chris Karp
Director, Discovery & Translational Sciences
Chris Karp leads the team whose mission is to catalyze innovation for the discovery and translation of transformative solutions to global health and development inequity.
Sharon Achilles
Sharon Achilles
Deputy Director, Reproductive Health Technologies
Dr. Sharon Achilles leads the foundation’s efforts in drug discovery and innovative approaches to improving reproductive and sexual health, with a focus on women in low-resource settings.
Fran Berlioz-Seux
Fran Berlioz-Seux
Deputy Director, Translational Sciences
Fran Berlioz-Seux leads a team that focuses on accelerating the translation of scientific discoveries to practical solutions that address global health inequity across the foundation’s work.