Foundation and Libraries Help Ensure All Have Access to Computers and the Internet
BOSTON -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced $10.9 million in grants to help public libraries across the country sustain free, public access to computers and the Internet. Grants allow libraries to improve technology training for library staff and patrons, replace older workstations, upgrade software, obtain faster Internet connections, and increase access to technical support. Today’s announcement completes the second and final round of the “Staying Connected” program; $5.8 million in grants were announced in 2004.
More than 14 million Americans go online in libraries to access educational opportunities, communications tools, and health information necessary for full participation in the 21st century economy. But libraries struggle to maintain this critical service, as budget cuts nationwide threaten to reduce operating hours, limit access to quality staff training and technical support, and make it difficult to keep pace with new technologies.
The Staying Connected challenge grants have been awarded to 37 state library agencies and the District of Columbia Public Library to help libraries sustain public access computing programs. States have matched these funds with local dollars to support technology training, broadband connectivity, as well as hardware and software upgrades for local libraries.
“Public libraries are bridging the digital divide across the country, providing high-quality computer and Internet access, training opportunities, and technology tools that help people learn, explore, and create,” said Martha Choe, director of the foundation’s Global Libraries program. “Although libraries are connected now to the Internet, it will take all of us—state and local governments, businesses, nonprofits, foundations, and other library supporters—to ensure libraries stay connected.”
The foundation’s announcement comes as thousands of librarians from across the country gather in Boston for the midwinter meeting of the American Library Association, the largest and oldest library association in the world. The annual meeting will focus on advocating for library funding, which has been cut in many states in the economic downturn, and recruitment of library professionals.
“Communities depend on strong public libraries and the services they provide, including free, public access to computers and the Internet, “said Robert Maier, Director of the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners. “Everyone, particularly our most vulnerable families who don’t have computers at home, benefits from ensuring libraries have up-to-date equipment and infrastructure, a high-speed Internet connection, and well-trained staff.”
While computer and Internet use has grown in recent years, income and socioeconomic status remain key indicators of access to these technologies. In 2003, the U.S. Department of Commerce reported that 31 percent of people in households earning less than $15,000 annually use the Internet, compared to nearly 83 percent in households with annual incomes greater than $75,000. Research by the Public Access Computing Project at the University of Washington shows that people with lower income and education levels are two to three times more likely to rely on the library for their only access to computers and the Internet.
“After an accident left me in a wheelchair, I had to drop out of my degree program because I couldn't make the one-hour commute to school and didn't have access to the Internet at home, " said Robert Reed, a 53-year-old patron at the Malheur County Public Library in rural southeast Oregon. "But once I discovered the computers and high-speed Internet connection available at the library, all that changed. Now I'm pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering Technology from ITT Technical Institute through online courses at the library."
The Staying Connected grants are challenge grants, meaning that the foundation matched funds raised by the state at a two-to-one ratio, bringing the total amount of funding dedicated to keeping libraries connected in this round to more than $16 million. State library agencies have used this challenge as a catalyst to build partnerships with government entities, businesses, other foundations and individuals. For example, Georgia is leveraging the foundation's grant with federal dollars to upgrade its public access computing program throughout the state.
Since 1998, the foundation, together with national, state, and local partners, has installed more than 47,000 computers in nearly 11,000 public libraries across all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and territories. The foundation has committed $250 million to this effort. Libraries located in disadvantaged areas received hardware and software, networking funds, technical support and publications as well as training for library staff. In 1996, only 27 percent of libraries offered public access computing. In 2002, more than 95 percent of libraries offered this service, often providing the only Internet access for residents in poor or rural areas.
The foundation continues to work with state libraries, national library organizations, and other partners to help ensure librarians and others can support high-quality public access computing. Through WebJunction, an online community for library staff across the country, the foundation is supporting a program to help libraries better reach out to and serve the Spanish-speaking population and another initiative focused on public access computing in rural libraries. The foundation also supports libraries internationally, through grants and its annual Access to Learning Award.
Staying Connected Grants
Alabama Public Library Service – $338,000
Contact: Rebecca Mitchell, Director, 334.213.3901
Alaska State Library – $219,040
Contact: George Smith, Acting Director, 907.465.2912
Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records – $141,920
Contact: Gladys Ann Wells, Director, 602.542.4035
Arkansas State Library – $555,440
Contact: Jack Mulkey, State Librarian, 501.682.1526
California State Library – $416,880
Contact: Susan Hildreth, State Librarian, 916.654.0174
Colorado State Library – $102,421
Contact: Nancy Bolt, State Librarian, 303.866.6733
Connecticut State Library – $163,680
Contact: Kendall Wiggin, State Librarian, 860.757.6510
District of Columbia Public Library – $85,200
Contact: Richard Lee Jackson, Interim Director, 202.727.1101
Georgia Public Library Service – $575,840
Contact: Dr. Lamar Veatch, State Librarian, 404.982.3560
Hawaii State Public Library System – $84,000
Contact: Jo Ann Schindler, State Librarian, 808.586.3704
Idaho State Library – $211,440
Contact: Anne Joslin, State Librarian, 208.334.2150
Illinois State Library – $662,400
Contact: Michael Ragen, Director, 217.524.4200
Indiana State Library – $336,960
Contact: Barbara Maxwell, State Librarian, 317.232.3692
State Library of Iowa – $749,120
Contact: Mary Wegner, State Librarian, 515.281.4105
Kansas State Library – $405,520
Contact: Marc Galbraith, Acting State Librarian, 785.296.3296
Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives – $174,357
Contact: Jim Nelson, State Librarian and Commissioner, 502.564.8300 ext. 312
State Library of Louisiana – $934,320
Contact: Thomas Jaques, State Librarian, 225.342.4923
Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Library Development and Services – $157,200
Contact: Irene Padilla, Assistant State Superintendent for Library Development and Services, 410.767.0435
Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners – $204,800
Contact: Robert Maier, Director, 617.267.9400 ext. 249
Minnesota State Library Agency – $297,440
Contact: Suzanne Miller, Director, 651.582.8200
Mississippi Library Commission – $822,960
Contact: Sharman Smith, Executive Director, 601.961.4039
Missouri State Library – $429,433
Contact: Sarah Ann Parker, State Librarian, 573.751.0970
Nebraska Library Commission – $250,960
Contact: Rod Wagner, Director, 402.471.2045 ext. 4001
Nevada State Library and Archives – $117,680
Contact: Sara Jones, Administrator, 775.684.3315
New Hampshire State Library – $173,520
Contact: Michael York, State Librarian, 603.271.2397
New Jersey State Library – $194,720
Contact: Dr. Norma Blake, State Librarian, 609.292.6200
New York State Library – $294,000
Contact: Janet Welch, State Librarian, 518.474.5930
North Dakota State Library – $128,000
Contact: Doris Ott, State Librarian, 701.328.2492
Oklahoma Department of Libraries – $162,640
Contact: Susan McVey, State Librarian, 405.521.2502
Oregon State Library – $185,120
Contact: Jim Scheppke, State Librarian, 503.378.4367
Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services – $74,400
Contact: Anne Parent, Chief of Library Services, 401.222.2726
South Carolina State Library – $217,000
Contact: James Johnson, Director, 803.734.8656
Utah State Library Division – $108,880
Contact: Donna Jones Morris, Director, 801.715.6770
Vermont Department of Libraries – $165,000
Contact: Sybil Brigham McShane, State Librarian, 802.828.3265
The Library of Virginia – $276,640
Contact: Nolan Yelich, Librarian of Virginia, 804.692.3500
Washington State Library – $172,880
Contact: Jan Walsh, State Librarian, 360.704.5253
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction – $192,800
Contact: Richard Grobschmidt, Assistant State Superintendent, 608.266.3390
Wyoming State Library – $160,720
Contact: Lesley Boughton, State Librarian, 307.777.5911