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Meet Kusuma
Digital banking lets millions of people safely receive, send, and save money without the need for cash. One young woman in India explains how this is helping her community.
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A story of digital banking in India—and a young woman’s promising career path
Digital banking lets millions of people safely receive, send, and save money without the need for cash. One young woman in India explains how this is helping her community.
Harnessing digital technology for public good: An Indian CTO’s story
Ramesh Narayanan, CTO of the digital ID system MOSIP, shares the inspiration behind his work and how MOSIP can improve billions of lives around the world.
Global Findex 2021: How digital wages empower Bangladeshi women
The Bangladeshi government’s quick action to pay garment workers digitally during the pandemic led to enormous dividends for women workers—and demonstrated the power of financial inclusion to improve women’s lives.
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