Portraits of Potential

The scientist reinventing beans to grow Uganda’s economy

Dr. Clare Mukankusi develops climate-resilient beans to help Uganda’s farmers adapt, boost food security, and grow economic opportunity.
Dr. Clare Mugisha, a senior scientist working as the Global Breeding Lead of Common Bean for the NARO bean 6 at CGIAR’s Alliance of Bioversity International and International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Kiboga District, Uganda on May 2, 2024.
Dr. Clare Mukankusi, a senior scientist working on the ‘NARO bean 6,’ a bean variety that can withstand climate challenges, in Kiboga District, Uganda. ©Gates Archive/Esther Mbabazi

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Dr. Clare Mugisha (L), a senior scientist working for CGIAR and International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), is photographed with Brenda Nakyanzi (R), research coordinator at CIAT in the field garden at the Kawanda Research Institute, in Kawanda, Uganda.

The critical reason to close gender gaps in agriculture

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A healthy crop of corn grown from hybrid, drought resistant maize seed in Machakos, Kenya. Climate change has a significant impact upon smallholder, African farmers in the form of irregular rains and drought.

What is climate adaptation?

While there’s no singular solution to climate change, we can still do our part to course correct. Adapting is key.
A farmer sifts through corn harvested from hybrid drought-resistant maize seed on her smallholder farm in Kenya.

Smallholder farming is a proven path out of poverty, but climate change is changing the rules

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