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Southern Africa: Last in line for vaccines, first in line for travel bans
Instead of reacting to the identification of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 with travel bans and fear, the world should be lauding southern African scientists, investing in their research capacity, and addressing vast inequities in vaccine distribution.
Getting medical supplies where they’re needed most
Thanks to a new monetary guarantee, UNICEF can help lower-income countries more easily access urgently needed health care supplies. With a form of revolving credit plan, countries need no longer be hampered by typical months-long funding streams.
Global action to end the COVID-19 crisis
As the COVID-19 crisis continues, a well-coordinated global response is more important than ever. Drawing on insights from our broad array of partners, our foundation has identified a number of critical actions that can help stop the spread of the virus, help protect against future pandemics, and strengthen basic health systems around the world.
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