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Sweety, an assistant quality checker at a garment factory, learned how to use an ATM and track income and expenses with HERproject.

Global Findex 2021: How digital wages empower Bangladeshi women

The Bangladeshi government’s quick action to pay garment workers digitally during the pandemic led to enormous dividends for women workers—and demonstrated the power of financial inclusion to improve women’s lives.
By Snigdha Ali Program Officer, Inclusive Financial Systems, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
A man holds bread being sold at a high price in a supermarket in Lagos, Nigeria on March 15, 2022.

The world food system is under threat. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Ukraine-related spikes in food prices are only the latest evidence that the global agricultural system is broken. Governments around the world need to invest in a more resilient system that ensures a decent livelihood for smallholder farmers and prevents hunger in the face of crises of all kinds.
By Enock Chikava Director, Agricultural Delivery Systems, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Health extension workers look on at a health post in Fogera District, Ethiopia. Through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Adolescent 360 program the Health Extension Workers identify, sensitize and refer girls and couples for counseling and contraception services.

The link between women’s health and women’s economic power

We asked three African women leaders why women’s health is critical for the health of economies. Here’s what they told us.