Our work

We work with partners around the world to tackle big challenges and improve people’s lives
Professor Hadiza Shehu Galadanci, director of the African Center of Excellence for Population Health and Policy demonstrates the use of the E-MOTIVE care bundle to nurses Fatimah Sarikin and Nafisa Abbas at Bayero University. The E-MOTIVE care bundle is used to detect and prevent postpartum hemorrhaging.

Health Health

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Morzina Begum and her daughter, Morium, at their home in Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

Gender equality Gender equality

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Odile Bie Kouetti Kagato prepares to administer the HPV vaccine at a health clinic in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

Global development Global development

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A Gates Foundation employee meets with students in Houston, Texas.

Education Education

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Our work depends on grantees and partners across the United States and in more than 130 countries who have on-the-ground expertise, a deep understanding of the issues we care about, and strong ties with the communities in which we aim to make a difference. At the same time, we have learned the value of having foundation representatives based in key regions—to help us build relationships with partner organizations and governments, better understand the policy environment, and remain culturally sensitive.
Program strategies

Program strategies

We support new ideas to address obstacles that stop people from living their best lives. Some projects we support will not succeed. We not only understand that, we anticipate it. Philanthropy means taking chances on solutions that governments and businesses cannot afford to take. As we discover which risks pay off, we adapt our strategies and share the outcomes for everyone's advantage.
More about our work

More about our work

How we work

We are focused on results. Those that can be measured. And those measured in ways beyond numbers.

Committed grants
We’ve funded thousands of projects, large and small. Our database includes payments made and committed from 1994 onward.
Strategic Investments

We partner with entrepreneurs, companies, and other organizations to create incentives that harness the power of private enterprise to create change for those who need it most.